About the photographer

But, if we're friends, you should probably know more about me. I grew up in Brownsburg, Indiana, and had my first adventure into pet photography for a 4-H project at the age of 8 with my beloved long-haired, orange tabby Marmalade. I treasure the 16 years I had with him, the 9 years I had with our family beagle-mix Wendy, and 11 years with our family golden retriever Gus. The relationships I had with my childhood pets instilled a deep respect and love for all animals for the rest of my life.
After years of regular summer break visits to my grandparents in Florida, I made the decision to study at the Ringling College of Art & Design in Sarasota, Florida. I learned the secrets behind creating compelling images and who I was as an artist. I graduated with honors in 2008.
I love everything related to art and everything related to animals, so I suppose naturally that overlapping creative space which is pet photography would deeply appeal to me. I’m dedicated to creating soulful, unique pieces of fine art when I’m photographing your pets. My style is timeless, colorful, and joyous.
I’m happily settled in Bradenton, Florida with my husband and our two feline fur-kids. When I’m not working or taking pictures I am reading, writing, gardening, or traveling.
My Fur Kids: Katze & Jayla

Katze and I had a strong bond from the outset. No sooner did I have my first ever apartment keys in my hand I was on my way to the shelter to find my forever feline. I wanted to be fair, and try to 'meet' everyone and see who responded to me. Katze wanted none of that. There were stacks of cat beds, which she was on the top row, and while I was bending down to greet her neighbors on the lower-levels she bonked me on the head to pay attention to her! She's demanding, confident, and keenly intelligent. I love that she's overcome a lifetime ailment, and inspires me to do the same. She sat by the door of the gate watching me patiently while I filled out her adoption paperwork. We've been in love ever since.

Jayla is our second fur-kid, and my husband is her special person. She is shy-natured, but bossy and irresistibly cute to those who know her best. She'll do anything for a belly rub. She loves soft, squeezable catnip toys that she can rest her weary head on. Who knows what she dreams of with such a pillow? She prefers watching her sister Katze play than play herself, but when the mood takes her she adores mice or feather birds. She has a lot to say, the chattiest cat I've ever met!
Are you interested in having your own pets photographed by Polar Bear Studio?
Here's what you need to know...book a session